Nashik Smart City Ideation Workshop Live Blog
Make available benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications. Making governance citizen friendly & cost effective, especially using mobiles to reduce cost of services and providing services. Ensuring transparency at various levels, tracking expenditures and also analyze developed areas in financial year.
Solutions that promote decentralized and community level or innovative way of solid waste management, handling construction and debris waste, E - waste etc. Enhance availability and excellent maintenance of community and public toilets & also monitoring of the toilets cleanliness and maintenance.
Solutions that improve reliable and efficient water management at the city level, reduce wastage of water, identification and prevention of leaks, metering, increase supply to areas that are deficient, recycling and reuse of waste water, water quality monitoring. Methodology of rain water harvesting. Transparency in the usage of water.
Solutions to monitor supply and quality of power, usage, avoid wastage; enhance usage of energy efficient appliances. Enhance usage of solar energy for citizens and administrations by Affordable & efficient technology. Solutions to track, monitor, capture, promote, and educate natural energy sources through community involvement using innovative technology.
Solutions to promote creation of walkable/ cycle-friendly and safe localities, reduce congestion, reduce air pollution etc. Enhance efficiency of public transportation, connective & sustainability.Innovative technology to ensure security, easiness of using public transportation for citizens including women’s, children, old age, physically challenged etc.
Smart solutions to ensure that beneficiaries are identified correctly. Smart solution in a previously vacant plots, via land pooling and land reconstruction (example GIFT in Gujrath). Replacement of an existing built up environment and enable co creation of a new layout with enhanced infra. (Bheendi bazar project).
Solutions to increase access to health services especially for urban poor, health awareness, alerts and emergency services. Bring transparency in medical facilities and usage of drugs. Enhance, maintain, and track hygiene in the city through community involvement using innovative technology.
Solutions to increase enrolment of student in schools. Enhance the student skill tracking and ability to monitor the progress. Built/develop facilities to foster entrepreneurship and innovations. Encourage leveraging existing eco system for generating employment.
Enhancing urban safety and security through effective urban planning, community-based consultative planning process design and governance. Solution to overcome three specific threats to urban safety and security i.e. crime and violence, insecurity of tenure and disasters. Video crime monitoring or solutions for innovative way monitoring and controlling crimes.
Solutions for innovative uses of public open spaces, green spaces mapping and management, tree census, biodiversity conservation and management, pollution control and environmental quality monitoring, solutions should aim to promote the usage of solar power.
Solutions to promote tourism and generate employment. Innovative solutions to generate employment and enhance eco system in the city through technology to provide suitable environment for promoting tourism or solutions to enhance the experience of tourist to boost tourism in the city.