Kumbhathon5 is a week-long camp dedicated to accelerating innovations that are designed to have a significant impact in Nashik, across India and beyond. Innovators and entrepreneurs who participate in Kumbhathon5 will have an opportunity to join the LaunchBox – a year-long accelerator program facilitated by MIT + Nashik Govt/Business organizations, as well as to participate in the Kumbh Mela in August and September 2015. Kumbhathon5 will be held in Nashik, two hours from Mumbai. See Kumbhathon4 (Jan 2015) report.
June 28-July 1 (Team Spot + Build + Field): Experts and innovators work together to identify and prototype solutions for challenges in Data, Logistics, Health, Housing, Finance and Tracking. We'll prepare tests to be conducted in the Tech and Health Pavilion.
July 2-3 (Probe + Pitch, Expert Councils): Mentors, Teams of Innovators and MIT Engineers join forces to further refine and test solutions and ideas via demos. Group discussions and feedback sessions follow.
SC^2 Event Kumbhathon Smart City- Smart Citizens
Date: July 2
Location: NEC
Time: 3 to 5pm
Kumbhathon: A Smart Citizens based Innnovation Platform
Mr. Ajay Bohora, Jitubhai Thakkal, Sunil Bhaybhang, Vikram Sarda: Kumbhathon for Smart City Initiaive
Mr. Pravin Gedam Hon. Nashik Municipal Corporation Commissioner: Nashik Municipal Corporation Smart City Vision/Plan
Short updates from participating associations
Prof. Ramesh Raskar, MIT Media Lab: Why Smart Citizens will play key role for Smart Cities
Brainstorming and Engagement Plan for Participatimg Associations
Future: SC^2 Kumbhathon Smart City- Smart Citizens Initiative
In Attendance:
Mr. Pravin Gedam Hon. Nashik Municipal Corporation Commissioner
Nashik Citizens Forum
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation
Nashik Transportation (Bus, Rickshaw Union)
Hotel Association
Education Institute
Doctor Association (IMA, Hospital Association etc)
July 3-4 (Main Conference): We hear from leading International and Indian business, technology and healthcare leaders and from local and national government officials about their roles and support for MIT's innovation platform. Innovators present live demos of prototypes and solutions.
Accommodation facility cost for Innovators & Mentors
Shared accommodation would cost 300 rs/Day.
20% discount for Kumbhathon guests who prefer individual accommodation.
Preferred Partner
Excellency Inn,
Near Symbiosis College, Ambad Link Road, New Nashik - 422009.
Contact: 0253 – 2376942, 9822034948/ 9552874266
Email – excellencyinn@hotmail.com
Website : www.excellencyinn.com
Kumbhathon will provide breakfast, lunch and snacks for all days.
Venue for Event
Nashik Engineering Cluster
NASIK - 422 010. Maharashtra.(INDIA)
Phone No.: +91 253 6699200
Website: http://nec.org.in
Details (Subject to change)
Sunday (June 28): Team Spot + Build + Field
09:00 AM-05:00 PM: Registration.
09:00 AM-09:25 AM: Opening remarks, Ramesh Raskar and Sandip Shinde
09:30 AM-12:00 PM: Introductions to teams, current status and progress till date
01:30 PM-05:00 PM: Tutorials by Boston team and India teams
01:30 PM-01:55 PM: Disciplined Entrepreneurship and Lean Thinking, Beth Zonis
02:00 PM-02:25 PM: Machine Learning, Big, Big Data and Internet of Things
03:00 PM-03:25 PM: Challenges in Health Tech (Shirish Ghan and Swati Karkare)
03:30 PM-03:55 PM: Teams Present: Wikipedia, ShopsOnline and Digital Cities
04:00 PM-04:55 PM: Breakout sessions and brainstorming
05:00 PM-05:45 PM: Xenia Tata, Xprize Foundation, X-Prize India Challenges
Monday (June 29): Team Spot + Build + Field
9:00-09:55 AM: Stakeholder analysis part 1, Government
10:00 AM-10:30 AM: Group discussions and brainstorming on previous session
10:35 AM-11:30 AM: Stakeholder analysis part 2, Community organizations
11:35 AM-12:05 AM: Group discussions and brainstorming on previous session
01:30 PM-02:25 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Meditracker
02:30 PM-03:25 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: CrowdSteering
03:30 PM-04:25 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Epidemic Tracker
04:30 PM-04:55 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Mobile Apps
05:00 PM-05:45 PM: Dr. Arun Jamkar, Vice Chancellor, MUHS
Tuesday (June 30): Team Spot + Build + Field
09:00-09:55 AM: Stakeholder analysis part 3, Trade associations
10:00 AM-10:30 AM: Group discussions and brainstorming on previous session
10:35 AM-11:30 AM: Stakeholder analysis part 4, General consumers
11:35 AM-12:05 AM: Group discussions and brainstorming on previous session
01:30 PM-02:25 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Popup housing
02:30 PM-03:25 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Shops online
03:30 PM-04:25 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Annadan (Food logistics)
04:30 PM-04:55 PM: Build and field of ongoing projects: Drone Mapping
05:00 PM-6:00 PM: Demos and Feedback from Expert Council
06:00 PM-06:30 PM: Jason Kodish, Global Chief Data Scientist, DigitasLBi
Wednesday (July 1): Field + Expert Councils
09:00-09:55 AM: Stakeholder analysis part 5, Data and Customers
10:00 AM-10:30 AM: Group discussions and brainstorming on previous session
10:35 AM-11:30 AM: Stakeholder analysis part 6, Food and retail
11:35 AM-12:05 pM: Group discussions and brainstorming on previous session
01:30 PM-02:30 PM: Tutorial on Machine learning: Otkrist Gupta, MIT
01:30 PM-02:30 PM: Tutorial on software and coding; Mrinal Mohit, MIT
02:30 PM-04:00 PM: Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice University) -- Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Public Health
04:00 PM-05:00 PM: Abbhirami Rajagopal (Baylor College of Medicine) -- Challenges in Nutrition and how technology can help measuring nutrition absorption
05:00 PM-6:00 PM: Demos and Feedback from Expert Council
06:00 PM-6:45 PM: Ravi Gururaj, NASSCOM 10,000 Startups
07:00 PM-9:00 PM: Teams meet NASSCOM 10,000 Startups coaching council
Thursday (July 2): Deep Dive with VIP Expert Councils
09:00 AM-09:25 AM: Opening remarks
09:30 AM-10:30 AM: Introductions to teams and projects by team leaders
10:35 AM-12:00 PM: Entrepreneurship VIP Expert Council (Team, Problem statement, Solution)
01:30 PM-03:30 PM: Data & Customers VIP Expert Council(Stakeholder analyses, Adoption risks)
03:35 PM-05:00 PM: Impact and Execution VIP Expert Councill (Field trials, IRB, Data mining, Investment potentials)
All day: VIP Expert Council members in deep dive with each project, 30 minute rotations
All day: Unconference, VIP Expert Council members, Govt officials, Companies host Special - Interest Group Sessions
06:00 PM-09:00 PM: Social Program, Art Exhibit and Conference Dinner
Friday (July 3) : Conference and VIP Expert Councils
Additional Speakers and VIP Panel members are being added ..
09:00 AM-09:25 AM: Opening remarks: Ramesh Raskar, Beth Zonis and Sandip Shinde
09:30 AM-09:55 AM: Dr. Pravin Gedam, Nashik Municipal Commissioner, ‘Digital Nashik with Kumbhathon’,
Mayor and Deputy Mayor, ‘Welcome to Kumbh 2.0’
10:00 AM-11:00 AM: Opening Keynotes
11:00 AM-11:30 AM: Nashik Business Leaders, ‘Innovations with Newly Digital Citizens’, (Nikhil Joshi, CEO Sapat Group, Ajay Bohora, Credila, Arvind Patel, Madhoor)
11:30 AM-12:00 PM: Project updates, meet the Teams
12:00 PM-01:00 PM: Lunch Break
12:00 PM-01:00 PM: Lunch for Corporate Sponsors with Govt and Business Leaders (By invitation)
01:00 PM-01:55 PM: Panel Health Tech for the Masses (Dr Pratik Shah, MIT, Mr. Sanjeev Vyas, USAID, Dr. Virendra Sangwan, LVP Eye Institute, Mr. Michal Depa, Jana Care, Vishal Gondhal, GOQII, Dr. Ram Nene, ‘Dance with Madhuri’, Anoop Prabhu, Kritikal Securescan, Hamish Patel, Azoi Health)
01:30 PM-01:55 PM: Panel Big Data for Social Innovation (Ananth Krishnan, CTO, TCS, Dr. Arun Rao, IITB, CTARA, Dr. Lalit Kanodia, DATAMATICS)
02:00 PM-03:00 PM: Project demos, meet the Teams
02:00 PM-3:30 PM: Unconference 1
03:00 PM-03:30 PM: Panel, Education for Impact (Dr. Pattiwar, Dr. Vandana Sonawane, Prof. Nihar Walimbe, Prof. Shirish Sane, VC YCMU)
04:00 PM-04:30 PM: Panel Entrepreneurs in Nashik (Host: Amit Bohra)
04:30 PM-05:00 PM: Expert Panel Software and Mobile apps for Smart Citizens (Hanumantha Rao, TCS, Ashwin Kandoi, Winjit, Mr. Navin Kabra, Punetech and ReliScore.com, India, Rajat Tandon, NASSCOM 10K Startups)
05:00 PM-05:30 PM: Panel, Corporate Ventures at Kumbhathon (Host: John Werner, MIT)
05:30 PM-0630: Project demos, meet the Teams
05:30 PM-0630: Interaction with MIT Innovation Team (By Invitation Only)
07:00 PM-10:00 PM: Social Program and Conference Dinner
Saturday (July 4) : Conference and Demos
Additional Speakers and VIP Panel members are being added ..
09:00 AM-09:25 AM: MIT Innovation Ecosystem: Ramesh Raskar, John Werner, Maggie Church, Pratik Shah
09:30 AM-10:05 AM: Project updates: EpidemicTracker, MediTracker and CrowdSteering
10:05 AM-11:00 AM: Panel: City Govt
11:05 AM-11:30 AM: Panel, Educational Institutes Innovating for Impact (Prof. Uday Salunkhe, WeSchool, Dr. Anil Sahasrabudhe, CEO Pune Engineering College,, Dr. Natarajan Sundaram, Aditya Jyot, Dr. Sanjay Inamdar, Dr. Mitaxi Mehta, Ahmedabad University)
11:30 AM-12:00 PM: Panel: Health Solutions (Jayeeta Chowdhury, Tata Trust, Mr. Sanjeev Vyas, USAID, Dr.Shirish Ghan, Dr. Laura Jena, Prof. Debjani Paul, Bioengineering, IIT Bombay, Dr Hyungsung Park, MIT, Dr. Maneesh Bapaye)
12:00 PM-02:00 PM: Lunch Break, Project demos, meet the Teams
12:00 PM-01:00 PM: Lunch with Tech and Health Pavilion Members (By Invitation)
02:00 PM-02:25 PM: Panel, Internet of Things for Transport, Food, Agriculture and More
02:30 PM-03:00 PM: Panel, Entrepreneurship (Host: Akancha Srivastava, Azure, India, Kanchan Kumar, TiE Mumbai)
03:00 PM-03:30 PM: Panel, International Foundations and Govt Agencies
03:00 PM-04:00 PM: Unconference II
03:30 PM-04:30 PM: Project demos, meet the Teams, Teams presentations
04:30 PM-05:00 PM: Awards and Closing Remarks (Ramesh Raskar and Sandip Shinde)
Schedule above is subject to change.
Participating Organizations: